Thursday, October 17, 2019

Be Yourself!

There is always a bad in a good
There is always a disadvantage in an advantage
But the most important thing is the height of the POSITIVITY in the negativity
In whatever you do always be yourself

When people look down on you
You look up at yourself
When people bring you down
You raise yourself up
When people trample upon you
Never give up but rather stand up and dust yourself

Always be yourself in everything that you do
Be yourself at all times
Never ever look back
Do not ever look back

Is it in your office
Is it in your school
Is it in your choice of career/profession
Is it in the environment you find yourself
Always be yourself
There is no greater joy than being you!

Monday, October 7, 2019

Live everyday knowing that each day takes you closer to your dream

Those who don't make positive impact in your life are not needed. DELETE them

Unemployment doesn't mean there's no job it means there's no vacancy

A setback brings TESTIMONY
A downfall brings UPLIFTMENT
A challenge is for GREATER THINGS ahead

It is difficult to understand people but there is no harm in trying

A decision made in a rush can be disastrous

A dream remains a dream when it is not put down in writing

Your tomorrow begins today

What a man can do a woman can do better and together they can do great